New Play Equipment on Recreation Ground

On Thursday 2nd March the new Play Equipment in Broad Oak Recreation Ground was formally opened by the Chair of Brede Parish Council, Cllr Les Nottage, and the Rother District Councillor for Brede, Cllr Neil Gordon.

A large new piece, called a ‘Captain Mannering’ had been chosen by the Councillors, following consultation with the local school children to find out what they most wanted to see available for play.  Incorporating a double bumpy slide, climbing walls, rope ladder, fireman’s poles, steps, scramble net and a bridge, all set on a mulch safety surface, it is a piece to entertain all age ranges.



The Parish Council would like to thank the Rother Community Grant Scheme for funding 50% of the costs for this piece, which is a very welcome addition to the previously limited play equipment available at the Recreation Ground.

The opening ceremony was held just as the children came of school, and was attended by around 30 parents with their children.  Comments from the parents were very positive, with all expressing thanks for the equipment, and very much in agreement that the style and age range of play it offered was just right.  The children were quick to make the most of the sunny afternoon and were enjoying themselves as soon as the ribbon was cut.