The following are a few of the Organisations, Clubs and Groups that meet within the Village.

1st Brede Scout Group/Beavers/CubsBeavers 6 to 8 year old. Meet every Monday
Cubs 8 to 10.5 year old. Meet every Monday
Scouts 10.5 to 14.5 year old. Meet every Tuesday
Brede Scout Hut
Ballet, AdultThursdays 11amVillage Hall
Beginners YogaTuesdays 7.30pm, Wednesdays 9.30amVillage Hall
Brede & Udimore Lunch Club4th Tuesday of the month 12.30pmVillage Hall
Brede Amateur Radio SocietyTuesdays and 1st SaturdaysBrede Scout Hut
BookswapTuesdays 2.30-4pmTrinity Methodist Church
Brede CraftersLast Wednesday of the month 2pmVillage Hall
Brede Friendly Circle3rd Wednesday of the month 2pm – 4pmVillage Hall
Brede Painting for Pleasure1st/2nd/3rd Tuesdays 9.30amVillage Hall
Brede Short Mat BowlsFridays 7.30pmVillage Hall
Brede Steam Engine Society1st Saturday of the month 10-4pmBrede Water Works
Brede Womens’ Institute2nd Wednesday of the month 2-4pmVillage Hall
Design with Flowers2nd Thursday of the month 2pmSt Georges Church Room
Farmers MarketFridays 10am to 12noonVillage Hall
Knitters and Natters2nd and 4th Tuesdays 2-4pmpTrinity Methodist Church
Mother’s Union1st Wed Month 2pmSt George’s Church Room
Open Door3rd Wednesday of the month 2-30 – 4.30pmTrinity Methodist Church
PilatesWednesdays 7pm, Thursdays 6.30pmVillage Hall

Information for contacts please refer to the Newsletter.