Councillor and Council Responsibilities – Brede Parish Council

Councillor Responsibilities

There are nine Parish Councillors for Brede. All Councillors have specific responsibilities within the Parish as well as meeting for full council meetings each month. At those meetings any issues raised or reported by Councillors or member of the public can be discussed.

Specific responsibilities are listed here. Contact details for each Councillor can be found on the Councillors page.

Responsibility Councillors
Brede Village Hall Cllr Duffield
ESALC Representatives Cllr M Griffiths and Cllr M Wey
Website and Facebook Mrs Tracy Dixon (Clerk)
Footpath Liaison (Rural footpaths, not highways footpaths) Cllr  G Olson
Finance and Audit Mr K Robertson
Highways All members
Newsletter Mrs Tracy Dixon (Clerk)
Planning Chair:  Cllr M Griffiths plus all members
RALC Representatives Cllr. M Griffiths and Cllr M Wey
Recreation Ground Committee Cllrs J Allison, M Griffiths, S Hampson and R Oliver
Speed Watch Cllr M Wey
Trees, Seats, Bus Shelters & Bins All members to report issues.

Council Responsibilities

Brede Parish Council is responsible for

Community Hall
Recreation Ground and Equipment
Bus Shelters and Seats
Dog Bins
Urban Grass Cutting
Village Green
Rural Footpaths. (issues with paths on the roads and highways should be reported to ESCC Highways)

If you have any questions or queries please contact the clerk or the relevant Councillor listed above.

Rother District Council is Responsible for

Rubbish and Recycling
Housing and Homelessness
Environmental Health
Council Tax
Planning and Building Control
LIcences and Permits
Elections and Voting

if you have any questions or queries please visit

East Sussex County Council is responsible for:

Roads and Transport
Adult Social Care

If you have any questions and queries please visit